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时间:2023-05-30 10:07:50




"Who gave you permission to cut the wood in my forest?" growled the bear. "You have been stealing my timber and now you must pay for it with your life."

"Please forgive me, Senor Oso," said the poor woodcutter, "I was only cutting the wood to sell it and thus support my three little daughters. If you kill me, my little girls will starve."

The Bear remained thoughtful and then said,

"There is only one way in which you life may be saved. You have to give me one of your daughters in marriage."

The woodcutter didn"t know what to say or do. Finally the thought of dying and leaving his daughters destitute forced him to agree to the Bear"s proposal.

The woodcutter returned home and told his daughters what had happened.

"Father," said the two eldest girls, "we would rather die than marry that Bear."

Ninfa, the youngest, said. "Father, I will marry the Bear."

Next day Ninfa and her father went into the forest where the Bear was waiting for them. After seeing the beautiful maiden, he was satisfied.

Ninfa, however, said to the Bear, "Senor Oso, my mother always taught me that in all things I should always follow God"s law. If I must marry you, I want to be married according to the Catholic rites."

The Bear agreed, provided a priest could come to the forest. The woodcutter went in search of a priest and soon returned with one. Ninfa and the Bear were then married.

The Bear took Ninfa to his cave, and when it grew dark he chanted:

"Bear so hairy, Bear so alarming,









Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.

In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.

All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.

The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.

Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.

Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year' s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.


教学实践中,不少小学英语课堂教学目标不明确,单词、句型、课文的教学“各自为政”,相对零散,课堂气氛沉闷,学生学得索然无味。如何让小学英语课主线分明,又能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,真正促进课堂高效呢?笔者以为,“故事”是孩子们喜闻乐见的一种元素,教师将要学的单词、句型及所涉及的时态语法都放到一个故事情境中呈现。以《牛津小学英语》4B Unit 7 At a snack bar A板块一课的教学为例,探讨以“故事”来整合教学内容,提高教学质量的实效性。


1. 麦兜引路,妙趣横生

老师通过展示自己的name card,介绍my English name,my favourite drink and food,以及my favourite cartoon star,引出贯穿全课的主情景人物“麦兜”:Mc Dull is very lovely, but he isn’t happy today,because he is hungry.然后学麦兜的声音: I’m hungry.老师随即和其对话What would you like? 将其带入a snack bar,接着引出课题“At a snack bar”。

正所谓“亲其师,信其道”。这个环节通过展示教师自己的name card,拉近教师与学生的距离,介绍的爱好都是与本课所涉及的食物和饮料有关。通过最后一项My favourite cartoon star引出本课贯穿始终的主人公可爱的麦兜。卡通形象的出现,不仅仅是有趣,更重要的是成为故事的引子,最终为教学服务。接着通过教师与麦兜的对话,知道麦兜非常的饿,由此引出课题。这样的导入既趣味横生,又顺理成章。

2. 以旧带新,融会贯通

进入小吃部以后,遇见一个waitress在门口问What would you like? 然后请学生说说有哪些吃的和喝的,复习饮料类和食物类单词,并教“Something to drink/eat?”,接着同桌一人扮演麦兜,一人扮演营业员操练新句型,期间教新单词noodles。麦兜点完餐后又碰见好朋友麦唛肚子也很饿,就引出新句型“How about you?”。

孔子曰:“温故而知新”。由于本课的新授句型较多,学生掌握较为吃力。所以在本环节中,笔者设计进入小吃店为麦兜点餐,到回忆以前所学的食物及饮料类等旧单词,以旧带新,借机学习了新句型“Something to drink/eat?”接着又遇到麦兜的好朋友麦唛,再引出新句型“How about you?”这样为新课文的学习扫清了一部分障碍,让学生在“麦兜点餐”的故事中快乐地学习。




仍以上述课文为例:麦兜在snack bar 里遇见了Su Hai,Su Yang和她们的爸爸,随即提出以下问题,然后观看动画。

1)What would Su Yang and Su Hai like? Anything else?

2)What would their father like? Anything else?

3)How much are they?

在回答问题的过程中教Anything else?和How much is it/ are they?并操练。

在课文学习环节中,通过设计麦兜与Su Hai、Su Yang在小吃店偶遇,从而导入课文,把卡通人与课文主人公巧妙地结合在一个故事中,自然又真实。接着在观看课文动画前导出问题,让学生带着问题去听,在回答提出的问题时又适时解决了课文的几个难点。这样循序渐进,孩子们在不知不觉中就学会了新句型。


教学实践还告诉我们:无论是知识的新授还是巩固,都必须从学生的认知能力出发,通过反复操练得以掌握与巩固。在本课中,通过chant把新授内容都放在里面巩固练习,琅琅上口。教师要求学生分组运用新授的句型和词组,模拟故事情景,进行表演操练,让学生在真情实景中掌握新知,并知道了作为Waiter或Waitress在快餐店应该说……,作为Customer(顾客)在快餐店可能会说……,给学生展示自我风采搭建了一个很好的平台。在group work中学生们的默契配合也锻炼了他们团结协作的能力。


英语是一门实践性很强的学科,教师应以故事为载体,进行点拨引路,学生乐于参与,并想方设法让学生进行联想,以期达到举一反三、触类旁通的效果。仍以上述故事为例:麦兜看到Su Hai和Su Yang买了这么多好吃的东西,他也垂涎欲滴了。假如你是waiter或waitress,请用今天所学的句型帮助麦兜和麦唛点餐。同时给出菜单及价目表和相关句型,随后利用自制的食物图片和麦兜头套让学生真实演练。Mc Dull and Mc Mug have bought much food and drinks, they are going home now. Let’s say goodbye to them.( 麦兜和麦唛已经买了很多吃的喝的,他们要回家了,我们和他们说再见吧!)结束全课。麦兜和麦唛在吃饱喝足后回到家,也让学生能够在学完整课后对这一有始有终的有趣故事津津乐道,回味不已。




in the cold winter, the frog was found with a very warm cup of boiling water, immediately jumped into, but at a faster rate jumped out, he is very smart for their own proud of. soon, the frog found a cup of water, and this time he had learned, first shile shi water temperature, not hot water and very warm, the frog jumped into the satisfaction, comfort and enjoyment, totally did not think this is a the glass is heated. water continued to heat up, when the frog was found too hot, has lost the strength to come out, finally, can no longer escape to the frog.


Not many animals liked Coyote. Some thought he was foolish and others thought he was boastful. The

mice didn't like him because he was mean to them.

One day when he was out walking, Coyote saw the

Mice making lots of noise and rushing around under

a tree.

"Quick! Quick! Throw that rope over the branch!" cried one. "I need a bag! I need a bag now!" cried


They scurried1 around, tripping and falling over each other as they tied small bags onto the ends of several ropes, then threw the other ends over the branches.

"What are you stupid mice up to now?" asked

Coyote. "We haven't got time to stop and talk Mr Coyote," squeaked2 one mouse, throwing a rope over another branch. "Haven't you heard?

North Wind is on his way. He's going to throw hailstones as big as a bear's paw at all the animals! We're going to climb into these bags and pull ourselves up under the branches, so the hailstones can't hit us."

Fearing the hailstones, Coyote said "I'll join you." All the mice stopped

dead in their tracks. "Ohhh! I don't know about that," they squeaked.

"If you don't let me, I'll be mean to you again," shouted Coyote.

"Alright. You can join us," squeaked the mice. "But you'll have to get your own bag and rope because we don't have anything big enough or

strong enough to hold you." "No problem," said Coyote. "I've got everything I need at home". "Then hurry Mr Coyote, because North Wind will be here any minute."

Coyote rushed off home. The mice waited until he was out of sight, then

fell over squeaking3 with laughter. When they saw him coming back they

picked themselves up and pretended to tie more bags.

"You must wait until last and pull yourself up, Mr Coyote, because you are too heavy," said the mice. "No. I'll go first," said Coyote. "North

Wind is fast and could get here before I'm protected. If all of you hold

the end of the rope you can pull me up."

The mice shook their heads doubtfully. Coyote yelled4 "do it, or I'll be

mean to you!" "Alright," said the mice. Coyote got into the bag and the

mice tied the rope around the top of it. A mouse picked up a small stone

and threw it at the bag.

"Ouch," said Coyote "I felt a hailstone already. Quick, get me up under

the tree!" The mice pulled on the rope until Coyote swung off the ground. Then they tied the end of the rope around the tree trunk.

The mice picked up stones and threw them at the bag. "Ooowww!&nb

sp; Ooowww!" howled Coyote. "The hailstones hurt." "Be brave Mr Coyote. The storm will pass soon," said the mice. And they picked up bigger stones to throw at the bag."Ooowww, my head! Oooww, my back!" howled Coyote. Finally they stopped throwing stones and one of the mice said, "North Wind has

gone now, we can come down."

When Coyote's bag was on the ground and the rope untied5, Coyote

slowly crawled out onto the ground, all battered6 and bruised7. "I thought

I was going to die," he said. "They must have been the biggest hailstones ever!"

Coyote felt the ground. It was dry. He looked up at the blue sky and there wasn't a cloud to be see. "How could this be? We've just had a

hailstorm," he said.

"We tricked you, you dumb old Coyote," yelled the mice as they scurried off into their holes, laughing.

"I'll get you for this," howled Coyote, feeling his sore head. "But not


Some were thinner, some were taller and some had more legs than they have today.

The Rhinoceros1 and the Hippopotamus2 were very vain and always boring the other animals, asking them to admire their good looks.

"Haven't I got the most handsome face you've ever seen?" the Rhinoceros would ask, as he turned his head from side to side. "Don't you think my left side is as handsome as my right?".

"Look at my slim body" the Hippopotamus would answer. "Isn't this the most beautiful body you've ever seen?"

"Huuh!" the Elephant would trumpet3. "Look at my beautiful ivory teeth. They're the most perfect teeth in the world". And he would smile, showing two rows of gleaming ivory teeth.

Every thing was peaceful and boring until one day a red dragon flew down from the sky shouting "The world is going to end! The world is going to end!"

"We've heard that one before" said the lion, with a bored sigh. "The chicken said the sky was falling, but nothing happened".

"It's for real this time. The world is coming to an end!" yelled the red dragon.

"How do you know" the others asked.

"A wizard told me" he replied.

"Then it must be true" they all said. "What shall we do?"

"You can all climb onto my back and I'll fly you to another world" said the red dragon.

They all rushed to get on the dragon's back except the lion.

"I'm king around here and I'm not frightened of anything" he roared. "I'm going to stay here on earth".

"I'm going to stay too" said the tiger, getting down.

"Tigers are just as brave as lions".

When the other animals were ready, the dragon flapped his wings, jumped into the air and came down again.

With such a heavy load on his back he had to try it several times before he took off.

As the red dragon flew higher it was uncomfortable for the animals squeezed onto his back and some of them became scared. They began to fight and push each other.

"Get your tail out of my eye" yelled one.

"Watch where you're putting that paw" yelled another.

"Oh, we're going very high" squeaked4 a mouse.

"Give me a break and sit still" cried the red dragon. "All you're fighting and shoving is making it very hard for me to fly".

The animals ignored him and finally the red dragon became so tired he couldn't flap his wings any more

and started to fall out of the sky.

The animals slid off his back and fell towards the ground screaming in panic. No one was killed but they all landed with a mighty5 thud.

The snakes legs fell off and he slithered away in the grass.

The Rhinoceros landed on his face, making a large bump on his nose that turned into a horn.

The Hippopotamus kept rolling and bumping over the hillside, getting bigger and fatter until he finally splashed into a waterhole. He was so embarrassed at how round and fat he was, he wouldn't come out.

The elephant broke all his teeth except for two that stuck into the ground. When he tried to pull them out of the ground they stretched into the two long tusks6 he has today.

The giraffe caught his head in a high tree and his neck stretched and stretched until his body reached the ground.

In fact all the animals changed into how they look today.

The lion and tiger roared with laughter at how funny the other animals looked now.

"I don't see what's so funny" snapped the crocodile, whose face had been flattened7 by a gorilla8 landing on it.


There lived a heron by a big lake. He used to catch fish and eat them. But he had become old and could not catch fish like before. He went without food for many days together.

“I have to think of a plan. Otherwise I won't live for long," thought the heron. Soon he came out with a clever plan. The heron sat at the water’s edge looking depressed1 and thoughtful2. In the same lake lived a crab3 who was friendly and thoughtful. As he went past, he noticed how the heron looked and asked him, “Why are you looking depressed my friend?"

“What can I say," said the heron in a sad voice. “Something terrible is going to happen."

“What is that?" asked the crab anxiously.

“When I was on my way here this morning, I heard an astrologer say that there will be no rains in these parts for the next twelve years. The lake will dry up and we will all die. I am quite old. It does not matter if I die. But you all are so young. There is so much for you to see and enjoy," said the heron.

The crab went to the fishes in the lake and told them what the heron had told him. They were all filled with fear. “O no! What do we do? We will all die." they cried.

“There is a very big lake some distance from here. I can take you all there one by one." offered the heron. All the fishes were comforted and they agreed to be carried to the bigger lake one by one.

Every day, the heron would fly the fishes one by one. He would hold one gingerly between his long beak4 and fly away. But instead of taking them to any lake, he would land on a rock some distance away and eat them. Then he would rest till evening and return to the lake.

After some days, the crab went up to the heron. “You have been taking the fishes to the other lake. When will you take me?" he asked.

The heron thought to himself, “I am tired of eating fish. Crab meat should be a pleasant change."

The heron agreed to take the crab to the other lake.

But the crab was too large for the heron to carry in his beak. So the crab climbed on to the heron’s back and they started the journey. After a while, the crab grew impatient5.

“How far is the lake?" he asked the heron.

“You fool," laughed the heron. “I am not taking you to any lake. I am going to dash you against those rocks and eat you like I ate all those fishes."


A merchant started his son in life with three hundred rupees, and bade him go to another country and try his luck in trade. The son took the money and departed. He had not gone far before he came across some herdsmen quarrelling over a dog, that some of them wished to kill. "Please do not kill the dog," pleaded the young and tender-hearted fellow; "I will give you one hundred rupees for it." Then and there, of course, the bargain was concluded, and the foolish fellow took the dog, and continued his journey. He next met with some people fighting about a cat. Some of them wanted to kill it, but others not. "Oh! please do not kill it," said he; "I will give you one hundred rupees for it." Of course they at once gave him the cat and took the money.<./p>

He went on till he reached a village, where some folk were quarrelling over a snake that had just been caught. Some of them wished to kill it, but others did not. "Please do not kill the snake," said he; "I will give you one hundred rupees." Of course the people agreed, and were highly delighted.

What a fool the fellow was! What would he do now that all his money was gone? What could he do except return to his father? Accordingly he went home.

"You fool! You scamp!" exclaimed his father when he had heard how his son had wasted all the money that had been given to him. "Go and live in the stables and repent1 of your folly2. You shall never again enter my house."

So the young man went and lived in the stables. His bed was the grass spread for the cattle, and his companions were the dog, the cat, and the snake, which he had purchased so dearly. These creatures got very fond of him, and would follow him about during the day, and sleep by him at night; the cat used to sleep at his feet, the dog at his head, and the snake over his body, with its head hanging on one side and its tail on the other.

One day the snake in course of conversation said to its master, "I am the son of Raja Indrasha. One day, when I had come out of the ground to drink the air, some people seized me, and would have slain3 me had you not most opportunely4 arrived to my rescue. I do not know how I shall ever be able to repay you for your great kindness to me. Would that you knew my father! How glad he would be to see his son's preserver!"

"Where does he live? I should like to see him, if possible," said the young man.

"Well said!" continued the snake. "Do you see yonder mountain? At the bottom of that mountain there is a sacred spring. If you will come with me and dive into that spring, we shall both reach my father's country. Oh! how glad he will be to see you! He will wish to reward you, too. But how can he do that? However, you may be pleased to accept something at his hand. If he asks you what you would like, you would, perhaps, do well to reply, 'The ring on your right hand, and the famous pot and spoon which you possess.' With these in your possession, you would never need anything, for the ring is such that a man has only to speak to it, and immediately a beautiful furnished mansion5 will be provided for him, while the pot and the spoon will supply him with all manner of the rarest and most delicious foods."

Attended by his three companions the man walked to the well and prepared to jump in, according to the snake's directions. "O master!" exclaimed the cat and dog, when they saw what he was going to do. "What shall we do? Where shall we go?"

"Wait for me here," he replied. "I am not going far. I shall not be long away." On saying this, he dived into the water and was lost to sight.

"Now what shall we do?" said the dog to the cat. "We must remain here," replied the cat, "as our master ordered. Do not be anxious about food. I will go to the people's houses and get plenty of food for both of us." And so the cat did, and they both lived very comfortably till their master came again and joined them.

The young man and the snake reached their destination in safety; and information of their arrival was sent to the Raja. His highness commanded his son and the stranger to appear before him. But the snake refused, saying that it could not go to its father till it was released from this stranger, who had saved it from a most terrible death, and whose slave it therefore was. Then the Raja went and embraced his son, and saluting6 the stranger welcomed him to his dominions7. The young man stayed there a few days, during which he received the Raja's right-hand ring, and the pot and spoon, in recognition of His Highness's gratitude8 to him for having delivered his son. He then returned. On reaching the top of the spring he found his friends, the dog and the cat, waiting for him. They told one another all they had experienced since they had last seen each other, and were all very glad. Afterwards they walked together to the river side, where it was decided9 to try the powers of the charmed ring and pot and spoon.

The merchant's son spoke10 to the ring, and immediately a beautiful house and a lovely princess with golden hair appeared. He spoke to the pot and spoon, also, and the most delicious dishes of food were provided for them. So he married the princess, and they lived very happily for several years, until one morning the princess, while arranging her toilet, put the loose hairs into a hollow bit of reed and threw them into the river that flowed along under the window. The reed floated on the water for many miles, and was at last picked up by the prince of that country, who curiously11 opened it and saw the golden hair. On finding it the prince rushed off to the palace, locked himself up in his room, and would not leave it. He had fallen desperately12 in love with the woman whose hair he had picked up, and refused to eat, or drink, or sleep, or move, till she was brought to him. The king, his father, was in great distress13 about the matter, and did not know what to do. He feared lest his son should die and leave him without an heir. At last he determined14 to seek the counsel of his aunt, who was an ogress. The old woman consented to help him, and bade him not to be anxious, as she felt certain that she would succeed in getting the beautiful woman for his son's wife.

She assumed the shape of a bee and went along buzzing, and buzzing, and buzzing. Her keen sense of smell soon brought her to the beautiful princess, to whom she appeared as an old hag, holding in one hand a stick by way of support. She introduced herself to the beautiful princess and said, "I am your aunt, whom you have never seen before, because I left the country just after your birth." She also embraced and kissed the princess by way of adding force to her words. The beautiful princess was thoroughly15 deceived. She returned the ogress's embrace, and invited her to come and stay in the house as long as she could, and treated her with such honour and attention, that the ogress thought to herself, "I shall soon accomplish my errand." When she had been in the house three days, she began to talk of the charmed ring, and advised her to keep it instead of her husband, because the latter was constantly out shooting and on other such-like expeditions, and might lose it. Accordingly the beautiful princess asked her husband for the ring, and he readily gave it to her.

The ogress waited another day before she asked to see the precious thing. Doubting nothing, the beautiful princess complied, when the ogress seized the ring, and reassuming the form of a bee flew away with it to the palace, where the prince was lying nearly on the point of death. "Rise up. Be glad. Mourn no more," she said to him. "The woman for whom you yearn16 will appear at your summons. See, here is the charm, whereby you may bring her before you." The prince was almost mad with joy when he heard these words, and was so desirous of seeing the beautiful princess, that he immediately spoke to the ring, and the house with its fair occupant descended17 in the midst of the palace garden. He at once entered the building, and telling the beautiful princess of his intense love, entreated18 her to be his wife. Seeing no escape from the difficulty, she consented on the condition that he would wait one month for her.

Meanwhile the merchant's son had returned from hunting and was terribly distressed19 not to find his house and wife. There was the place only, just as he knew it before he had tried the charmed ring which Raja Indrasha had given him. He sat down and determined to put an end to himself. Presently the cat and dog came up. They had gone away and hidden themselves, when they saw the house and everything disappear. "O master!" they said, "stay your hand. Your trial is great, but it can be remedied. Give us one month, and we will go and try to recover your wife and house."

"Go," said he, "and may the great God aid your efforts. Bring back my wife, and I shall live."

So the cat and dog started off at a run, and did not stop till they reached the place whither their mistress and the house had been taken. "We may have some difficulty here," said the cat. "Look, the king has taken our master's wife and house for himself. You stay here. I will go to the house and try to see her." So the dog sat down, and the cat climbed up to the window of the room, wherein the beautiful princess was sitting, and entered. The princess recognised the cat, and informed it of all that had happened to her since she had left them.

"But is there no way of escape from the hands of these people?" she asked.

"Yes," replied the cat, "if you can tell me where the charmed ring is."

"The ring is in the stomach of the ogress," she said.

"All right," said the cat, "I will recover it. If we once get it, everything is ours." Then the cat descended the wall of the house, and went and laid down by a rat's hole and pretended she was dead. Now at that time a great wedding chanced to be going on among the rat community of that place, and all the rats of the neighbourhood were assembled in that one particular mine by which the cat had lain down. The eldest20 son of the king of the rats was about to be married. The cat got to know of this, and at once conceived the idea of seizing the bridegroom and making him render the necessary help. Consequently, when the procession poured forth21 from the hole squealing22 and jumping in honour of the occasion, it immediately spotted23 the bridegroom and pounced24 down on him. "Oh! let me go, let me go," cried the terrified rat. "Oh! let him go," squealed25 all the company. "It is his wedding day."

"No, no," replied the cat. "Not unless you do some thing for me. Listen. The ogress, who lives in that house with the prince and his wife, has swallowed a ring, which I very much want. If you will procure26 it for me, I will allow the rat to depart unharmed. If you do not, then your prince dies under my feet."

"Very well, we agree," said they all. "Nay27, if we do not get the ring for you, devour28 us all."

This was rather a bold offer. However, they accomplished29 the thing. At midnight, when the ogress was sound asleep, one of the rats went to her bedside, climbed up on her face, and inserted its tail into her throat; whereupon the ogress coughed violently, and the ring came out and rolled on to the floor. The rat immediately seized the precious thing and ran off with it to its king, who was very glad, and went at once to the cat and released its son.

As soon as the cat received the ring, she started back with the dog to go and tell their master the good tidings. All seemed safe now. They had only to give the ring to him, and he would speak to it, and the house and beautiful princess would again be with them, and everything would go on as happily as before. "How glad master will be!" they thought, and ran as fast as their legs could carry them. Now, on the way they had to cross a stream. The dog swam, and the cat sat on its back. Now the dog was jealous of the cat, so he asked for the ring, and threatened to throw the cat into the water if it did not give it up; whereupon the cat gave up the ring. Sorry moment, for the dog at once dropped it, and a fish swallowed it.

"Oh! what shall I do? what shall I do?" said the dog.

"What is done is done," replied the cat. "We must try to recover it, and if we do not succeed we had better drown ourselves in this stream. I have a plan. You go and kill a small lamb, and bring it here to me."

"All right," said the dog, and at once ran off. He soon came back with a dead lamb, and gave it to the cat. The cat got inside the lamb and lay down, telling the dog to go away a little distance and keep quiet. Not long after this a nadhar, a bird whose look can break the bones of a fish, came and hovered30 over the lamb, and eventually pounced down on it to carry it away. On this the cat came out and jumped on to the bird, and threatened to kill it if it did not recover the lost ring. This was most readily promised by the nadhar, who immediately flew off to the king of the fishes, and ordered it to make inquiries31 and to restore the ring. The king of the fishes did so, and the ring was found and carried back to the cat.

"Come along now; I have got the ring," said the cat to the dog.

"No, I will not," said the dog, "unless you let me have the ring. I can carry it as well as you. Let me have it or I will kill you." So the cat was obliged to give up the ring. The careless dog very soon dropped it again. This time it was picked up and carried off by a kite.

"See, see, there it goes--away to that big tree," the cat exclaimed.

"Oh! oh! what have I done?" cried the dog.

"You foolish thing, I knew it would be so," said the cat. "But stop your barking, or you will frighten away the bird to some place where we shall not be able to trace it."


He saw a monkey on a tree.

“Will you be my friend?" asked the elephant.

Replied the monkey, “You are too big. You can not swing from trees like me."

Next, the elephant met a rabbit. He asked him to be his friends.

But the rabbit said, “You are too big to play in my burrow1!"

Then the elephant met a frog.

“Will you be my friend? He asked.

“How can I?" asked the frog.

“You are too big to leap about like me."

The elephant was upset. He met a fox next.

“Will you be my friend?" he asked the fox.

The fox said, “Sorry, sir, you are too big."

The next day, the elephant saw all the animals in the forest running for their lives.

The elephant asked them what the matter was.

The bear replied, “There is a tiger in the forest. He’s trying to gobble us all up!"

The animals all ran away to hide.

The elephant wondered what he could do to solve everyone in the forest.

Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find.

The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals."

“Mind your own business!" growled2 the tiger.

The elephant has no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick.

The frightened tiger ran for his life.

The elephant ambled3 back into the forest to announce the good news to everyone.












如:9A Unit6 Reading Who is the murderer?本来这篇文章就带有故事色彩,所以用讲故事的方法教学这篇课文是上策。




巧用《公鸡和狐狸》的故事,进行教学:一天,一只公鸡在树上唱歌(A cock is singing)狐狸看到了大公鸡,说(The fox is saying)“你的歌真美,下来我们一起玩吧?”公鸡下了树(The cock is coming down from the tree.) 他们一起玩了一会(They are playing together.)突然,狐狸要吃鸡,公鸡吓得飞跑了(He is flying and running away.)这样,通过这个故事中的几个句子,学生对现在进行时的用法、结构、动词的形式一清二楚,既活跃了课堂气氛,又巧妙地融语法知识于故事中。



如:8A Unit3 A day out 的中心任务是写旅游方面的短文。类似的文章多数学生感到有难度,因为除时态问题,还有旅游方面行程的安排,学生在叙述时容易东一句西一句,致使文章混乱、条理不清。如果教师先用“故事”给学生一个范文,效果会好些。例如, 教师可以结合Main task的Part A, 将此改写成故事叙述:去年,Kitty和Daniel在回美国前和同学到北京游玩了一天。早上











在这一阶段中,笔者推荐的书目有《Rosie’s Walk》、《Watch Out!Big BRO’S Coming!》、《Snow Friends》、《Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse》、《OTTO RUNS FOR PRESIDENT》、《The littlest dinosaur》等等。


例如:通过读故事培养英语语感,笔者选取了《典范英语2a》中的Lesson9“I Can Trick a tiger”这一课作为范例。由于故事配上了生动有趣的插图,再加上主人公是学生感兴趣的动物,而且故事情节诙谐有趣,单词简短而且重复较多,故事结尾更是“恶有恶报”,让学生读起来特别带劲。笔者在鼓励学生读故事时还鼓励学生加上动物叫声的拟声词,大大提高了学生读故事的兴趣,让他们读了还想读。在一遍遍读故事的过程中,不知不觉培养了活泼自然的英语语感。


例如:通过讲故事巩固英语语感,笔者选取了《典范英语2a》中的Lesson20“The Ice Rink”这一课作为范例。学生在听懂、读熟的基础上,可以尝试讲故事。本课主人公是“爸爸”,讲了爸爸高超的溜冰技术,可以在冰上漫步、跳跃、旋转甚至跳舞都不会摔跤,可是最后走路的时候却由于一块香蕉皮摔跤了。在学生讲故事之前,鼓励学生加入自己的语言形容“爸爸”高超的溜冰技术,边讲还可以边配上溜冰的动作,用自豪的语气、自然的语感表达对“爸爸”的爱。结尾的表情和心理可以由学生自己揣摩,可以是滑稽、懊恼、失望或者可怜、心疼、大意等等,让每个学生讲出不一样的感觉。故事讲完还可以发表一下自己的意见,或者想对“爸爸”说的话,让整个环节更加丰满。通过学生“讲出来”这一过程,更是巩固了学生培养起来的语感。


例如:通过写故事提升英语语感,笔者选取了《典范英语2a》中的Lesson30“Strawberry Jam”这一课作为范例。首先,笔者给学生呈现了故事插图,并简单地与学生讨论了一下:Who? Where? What? How?What happened at last?接着,与学生一起处理掉一些新单词。然后,鼓励学生用自己的理解和个性化语言写故事,故事个个不同但个个精彩。在写作中最难的是中、英文表达有很大的区别,这就特别需要运用“语感”的力量,正确地处理好介词的位置、后置的用法、宾格和各种时态,把平时说的运用到写中来。初级阶段只要求学生把故事表达完整,中级阶段要求学生把故事表达清楚并能有一些描述性的词句,终极阶段则需要学生通过故事发表自己的观点和看法。在整个阶段,特别值得老师们注意的是,一定要对学生们自创的故事及时、有效地批改并写上积极、鼓励性的评语,这一点直接关系到学生写故事的兴趣和对自己作业的一个反馈了解。

学习一门外语的最终目标是能够灵活驾驭这门语言,学习英语亦是如此。要想真正提高驾驭语言的能力, 就必须将语言知识的学习与生活中的言语实践紧密地联系起来。 而语感的提升就是联系二者的重要途径,这就要求我们教师要持之以恒地采用多种方法和途径,引导学生在一切英语语言活动中去感悟语感、实践语感。而故事教学能从听、读、讲、写等方面切实有效地提升英语语感,效果明确而显著,直接而有效。












